The Latest News From Anywhere!

Where are we going next? Seriously... we dont know and are hoping you can help us work it out.

The Caravan

10 years ago some of us shared an incredible adventure when we formed the Sustainable Solutions Caravan and traveled all the way from San Francisco to Costa Rica in a couple of modded out school buses and one bad ass truck that all ran on straight vegetable oil.  We wanted to demonstrate that there are viable alternatives to petroleum as our primary fuel source, and as is the case with diesel engine, that alternative has existed for over 100 years (in 1893 the original diesel ran on peanut oil).

It’s been over a century now and I am sure you have noticed in your time here, that there have been remarkable advances in technology, and recently we have finally seen a renewed interest in alternative fuel vehicles.

We decided that it would be a good idea to organize a new caravan with newfangled green vehicles and explore advances in sustainable technologies while traveling from Sweden to South Africa.   We are in the early planning stages more details will be made available as this year progresses.  While though this isn’t an “Anywhere” segment it is a project we’re involved with and want to see blossom.  We will provide information about how you can get involved and support the project in the near future, sign up for more information bellow the video.

Bellow is a video from our first adventure:

If you are interested in helping facilitate the next caravan, provide sponsorship, share your thoughts or if have any questions use the form bellow to to get into the mix.

Also feel free to visit the Facebook page:

[contact-form subject=’Interest in Caravan’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Join us for Cor Pallanck: Anywhere! Live – This WED. the 8th at 6pm PT (Tomorrow)

AnywhereliveTomorrow we are hosting the first of our weekly live hangouts where we’ll discuss how the show is coming together, hear your ideas and plan future adventures.  Anywhere! Live is a weekly talk show that will come to you from increasingly exotic locations.  This week we’ll be reaching out from San Diego, CA.

This is our first live Google on air hangout and we’ll be ironing out the kinks before we do out official launch.  Please join us and take part in the conversation and learn what exactly “Anywhere!” is.

We will have a special guest Kurt Braun who will be discussing his recent trip to Iraq where he was working on a feature film in the Kurdish provinces in the North.  We will be discussing returning to Iraq in April to learn about the Kurdish people united in language and culture but divided by international borders and embroiled in conflict with their neighbors.

Travis Taylor and other guests will be on hand as we explore what is special about “Anywhere!” anyway.

Thees live hangouts are chance to come together talk to experts, answer questions, and have some fun.

JOIN US WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8th 2014 at 6:00pm Pacific Time
for our test foray into a collaborative travel reality

Join Us through Google Plus: “Anywhere! Live” at Google+

Or Watch through our website: “Anywhere!Live” at

Adventures In Kurdistan

“Cor Pallanck: Anywhere!” will travel with producer producer Kurt Braun and explore the culture and lives of the Kurdish people who continue struggle for unity despite their separation by borders.


Share Your Stories

One of the things that makes “Anywhere!” such a great show is that we are recreating crazy travel stories.  If you’ve traveled much, I am sure you have at least one amazing story that you wheel out at parties.  We want you to share your best, most wonderful, or horrible, delightful, unbelievable, miraculous, and insane tales from your  journeys and we’ll create reenactments of the best ones.  We’ll either shoot them on location near where they occurred, fake it here in the U.S. or animate those really crazy or stories.

Submit your stories bellow, either write you story out in the comments bellow or share a link to a Youtube or Vimeo video of you telling your best most reenactment worthy travel story.

Also take a moment to vote up or down the stories that you like.

Where to Next?

WhereToNextThis is the place to tell us about the most amazing destinations, the places in the world that you have heard about and think we should visit.  Maybe you think we should go to Bangladesh and visit a garment factory to look in on the working conditions, or perhaps to the island of Koh Phangan in Thailand to visit the legendary full moon party, or to see how close we can get to Fukishima, or maybe you have heard tale of a levitating sadhu in India.  Tell us where you want us to go and why.  It can be to enjoy a party, have our minds blown, to shine some light on some of the darkness in the world or just because you think it will be funny to see me writhe in terror on one of the worlds most dangerous road ways or drink magic reindeer piss with a Siberian shaman.  We are totally open to your suggestions

Leave your destination ideas bellow in the comment section.  Then vote up the ideas you like best and down the ones you loathe.   We’ll then compile the most popular destinations for a vote.  Depending on the episode we may be focused on a particular continent.  Right now we have our eyes on Asia, but we want to here all your ideas.

“Not an Irish Pub with Reenactment”

Things are not always what they seem…  While searching for some of that famous Argentinian Asado, Cor is lured into what is outwardly an “Irish Pub” by the promise of directions to a great asado restaurant…  Once behind closed doors friendly woman and expensive drinks tipped him off that something was afoot.

Episode 7: Full Moon Madness in Tigre, Argentina

The moon was full…  Not just any full…  SUPER MOON Full!  Cor and friends struck off on an adventure traveling by train, then boat to an epic full moon party on paradisiacal island in the Tigre Delta.  Some how in the midst of hedonistic lunar revelry Cor took a potentially bone shattering spill.

Episode 5: Mendoza Argentina Wine Tour

Argentina is not just famous for its steak, tango and shaking off its dictators it is also known for its wine…  As a part of a tour group Cor struggles to cop a buzz at wine tastings.

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