These Projects Have Been Suggested by You and Our Other Friends.Episode 6: Into the Andes
admin+While visiting Mendoza Cor heads up into the Andes approaching the base of the tallest and hardest to pronounce mountain in the Americas...
Episode 5: Mendoza Argentina Wine Tour
admin+Argentina is not just famous for its steak, tango and shaking off its dictators it is also known for its wine… As a part of a tour group Cor struggles to cop a buzz at wine...
Episode 4: It’s Not Really an Irish Pub and Tango Alive in Streets
admin+This is a prereenactment episode where Cor recounts his experience in the Irish Pub that wasn’t and the streets come alive with magic that is...
Episode 3: The Mothers of The Plaza De Mayo
admin+Argentina recently brought its brutal dictators to justice sentencing those old bastards to life in prison.Thanks largely to the work of the Mothers of the Plaza De Mayo who bravely banded together demanding justice and answers. In the darkest days of the...
Episode 2: Buenos Aires & The Coriolis Effect
admin+Does the water really spin the other way down the toilet or the drain in the southern hemisphere (science says no, but our test said...
Episode 1: First Hints of the Awesomeness to Come
admin+Cor has an idea for a travel show…