Tomorrow we are hosting the first of our weekly live hangouts where we’ll discuss how the show is coming together, hear your ideas and plan future adventures. Anywhere! Live is a weekly talk show that will come to you from increasingly exotic locations. This week we’ll be reaching out from San Diego, CA.
This is our first live Google on air hangout and we’ll be ironing out the kinks before we do out official launch. Please join us and take part in the conversation and learn what exactly “Anywhere!” is.
We will have a special guest Kurt Braun who will be discussing his recent trip to Iraq where he was working on a feature film in the Kurdish provinces in the North. We will be discussing returning to Iraq in April to learn about the Kurdish people united in language and culture but divided by international borders and embroiled in conflict with their neighbors.
Travis Taylor and other guests will be on hand as we explore what is special about “Anywhere!” anyway.
Thees live hangouts are chance to come together talk to experts, answer questions, and have some fun.
JOIN US WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8th 2014 at 6:00pm Pacific Time
for our test foray into a collaborative travel reality
Join Us through Google Plus: “Anywhere! Live” at Google+
Or Watch through our website: “Anywhere!Live” at