One of the things that makes “Anywhere!” such a great show is that we are recreating crazy travel stories. If you’ve traveled much, I am sure you have at least one amazing story that you wheel out at parties. We want you to share your best, most wonderful, or horrible, delightful, unbelievable, miraculous, and insane tales from your journeys and we’ll create reenactments of the best ones. We’ll either shoot them on location near where they occurred, fake it here in the U.S. or animate those really crazy or stories.
Submit your stories bellow, either write you story out in the comments bellow or share a link to a Youtube or Vimeo video of you telling your best most reenactment worthy travel story.
Also take a moment to vote up or down the stories that you like.
I’ll demonstrate how it is done…
This one time when I was was working on the Titanic… The movie not the ship… We were in México and I went to a crew party one night. I was careful not to drink… much I had a couple of drinks, but I needed to drive home, back to the U.S. and the police in the area (at that time) were notorious for soliciting bribes…
Submit a video of you telling the story like this:
And then we may make a reenactment of your story kind of like the one bellow.
This is sort of a reenactment that was shot in México City as part of a class project at the Escuela Nacional Artes Plásticas where I studied for a semester, I had to make changes to the story to accomadate the group collaborating on the project so it diverges a bit from the original. This is just a rough version this is something I am still working on one that is closer to the true story but I want to demonstrate how the show works, only it will work better with a bit of a budget and more skilled crew.